Bill Heffernan was 'an old guy' almost aged 40 and a friend with Dick Charles - the founding president of the association.
The old guys helped new members in those days. Kerry Heffernan was there too as a baby, age THREE and a paid-up member number 15 of the USFA - the youngest ever.
Kerry Heffernan provided this booklet of his father's equipment. (to be REFRESH or reload on your browser when returning later).
The USFA today <Click
All due respect to Bill Heffernan but he was not alone at the time designing the future of diving & spearfishing equipment. My father, Jack Egan, also a founding member of USFA and their first trophy winner, was credited for designing the first high powered shoulder gun. My mother also made the first rubber wetsuits from innertubes. These were later replicated and marketed by Don Linklater Undersea Products.
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